We returned from our second big trip for this month. Our first trip was a visit to see Hannah's family in Arkansas and most recently we went to the Wisconsin Dells area with John's extended family for a week vacation. We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone. The boys did very well and even managed to sleep better than they did on their trip to Arkansas. There were several "firsts" on this trip for Liam and Luke such as.....
-The first time to meet their newest cousin, Carter, his big brother Collin, and Uncle Jason and Aunt Sheryl.
-A trip to a water park and even go down a small water slide with Dad.
-A ride on a miniature train.
-A week away from home and our first trip to Wisconsin.
-A first family vacation
-A trip to paint pottery with mom and dad.
Luke and Liam enjoyed all of the attention, the hugs, and the kisses from their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins!