We had our annual neighborhood Halloween Parade last weekend and the boys had a great time. Liam was happy as long as he could chase the two girls that were wearing ballons. Liam loves ballons and there were two girls dressed up like grapes with a costume made from ballons. Pretty creative, Liam loved it. Luke was good as long as he could be with Daddy. As is typical of Luke, he was not too into walking or doing anything other than sitting with Dad; whereas, Liam was all over the place chasing the firetruck, neighborhood dogs and checking out the costumes. Luke did show some interest when the candy was passed out, of course! The boys are both lions this year for Halloween. They like the costumes actually, but were not too keen on the face painting. We hope to do a little trick or treating this weekend as well as a Halloween party for the boys with their twins group.
I am also posting a picture or two of the new paint in the bonus room. It looks fabulous! Yes, the colors are very bright and wild, but we were hoping for something fun. The pictures don't do it justice, but the top part of the walls are light blue, the bottom half is a darker bright blue and there are two red accent walls. There is also some yellow inside the window inset area. The new baby's room is still a work in progress, but it is coming around and we should have a few pictures soon.