Thankfully, we made it through Christmas and the big snow storm and we have no baby yet! I was a little nervous when I started seeing all the snow falling, but we seem to be getting back to normal. There is a new hospital that is scheduled to open on Wednesday, Dec. 30th that we would like to use for this delivery and at this point, that looks like it may happen. It would be more convenient than the hospital we used for the boys because it is much closer to our house.
We had a very nice Christmas and the boys loved opening all the gifts. They are still pointing to their stockings each morning and saying "candy." Their favorite gift was probably the kitchen set we got for them. Luke loves to "grill" and spends hours each day busy in the kitchen. Liam loves all the Little People stuff, puzzles, the new duplo (leggos), the cars, etc...Liam tends to move quickly from one thing to another. They are also loving their new bathroom stools from Grandma and Grandpa Carrithers and insist on washing their hands each time we go in the bathroom. This is a great habit, but it has become pretty difficult for me to lift them to the sink recently so Mommy really loves the stools. I still need to get a picture of them actually on the stools, but for some reason I tend to have my hands full with two toddlers on a stool playing in the soap and water and I tend to forget about taking a picture.
Happy 2010!!