Fun lunch and games with our best friends, Jack and Charlie |
Crazy Aiden face with Finn |
Boys love video games |
Opening gifts on their birthday!! |
We love the new shirts! |
Singing Happy Birthday! |
So excited!! |
Super excited! |
Luke, Liam, and Aiden are pretty much going to have a "month of January" birthday celebration this year. On Saturday, January 11th, Luke and Liam turned SIX years old. Seriously, where does the time go? Seems like only yesterday we were in the NICU and hoping to go home from the hospital soon. Then, we were learning to crawl, to walk, starting preschool, and now kindergarten! Both boys have lost two teeth this year and are both getting ready to lose one of their top teeth. They are growing so fast.
Liam is quiet, detailed, and studies things before he jumps in. He is, for the most part, very agreeable and easy to work with. He loves to learn and he listens well. His teachers love his cooperative personality and friendly demeanor. They frequently refer to him as a "model student." He is quick to offer help and gets along well with others. He is very observant and has an amazing memory. Just yesterday, he asked me why we have flowers on our toilet paper now. Ironically, I had just changed the toilet paper and it was a new type that I got at a different store than I normally do.
Luke is a happy, easy going kid who asks a lot of questions and thinks about things in an entirely different way than I ever will. He is a numbers guy. Luke loves math, can count to 100, and easily picks up on various card and reasoning type games. He loves puzzles and loves to build everything from legos to tinker toys. He has a hard time sitting still if he isn't using his hands in some form or fashion. He is a helper and loves to assist with his brother Finn or hold the door open when I have a lot in my hands.
As a family, we spent Luke and Liam's birthday weekend celebrating their special day by opening gifts and going out to dinner in between a soccer game. We also went to lunch with our best friends, Jack and Charlie. Their party with the rest of their friends is this weekend, January 18th so I feel like I explained at least a dozen times that we were having a party with friends, but not on their actual birthdate. The conversation went something like this:
Liam: "Mom, when are we having our party?"
Me: "Remember, we are having your party next weekend and today we are celebrating your birthday with just family."
Liam: "So, today is not our real birthday?"
Me: "Today, January 11th, is your actual birthday but sometimes you have a party with friends on a day that isn't actually your birthday."
Liam: "oh, o.k. So when is everyone coming over?"
Repeat....not sure they ever got the point, but we are moving on and very excited to celebrate with friends from school, church, our twin friends, and the neighborhood this weekend.