I am a little late on my Father's Day post, but the days don't seem to be getting any longer around here (and maybe that is a good thing). The boys continue to keep us busy as they change so quickly. John has also been doing some travel for business recently so the boys and I just try to survive while he is gone.
Luke and Liam are at a really funny stage right now. Since getting tubes in their ears, they have become a lot more verbal. They are processing things, putting things together, and talking all the time. Last week, John's car battery died while he was at work. When the boys got up for their naps, I explained that we were going to get Daddy because his car was "broken and needed a new battery." It just so happens that the week before, they helped me put new batteries in some of their toys so they were very familiar with that process and had been talking about batteries. After I explained the car issue, Luke went right to the closet where we keep our batteries and started pulling them out. Both boys stood at the edge of the car holding tools and trying to help Daddy fix the broken car. Luke still talks about how he helped Daddy fix his car just about every day.
Both of the boys take things very literally now. For example, I asked Liam to give Luke his juice and he promptly threw it across the room and nailed Luke on the forehead. Also asked Liam if he wanted "fishies" for lunch the other day and he apparently thought I meant sweedish fish (one of John's favorite candies) so he screamed the rest of the lunch for candy.
Aiden also hit a milestone this week as we tried him in somewhat of a highchair for the first time. He is almost sitting up on his own and did pretty well in the seat. He also had another ear infection last week so it looks like he may not be too far behind his brothers in getting tubes. He is much better now, but had a somewhat rough week. When we went in for his ears, they weighed him and he is 19.6 lbs and not even quite 6 months old. Big kid!
We had a wonderful Father's Day with John and enjoyed some extra time in the new pool, playing outside, and relaxing as much as possible. We love you John and miss you when you are gone, but appreciate all of your hard work. Happy Father's Day to my Dad and John's Dad as well. We wish we were closer so we could see you both more often. Looking forward to seeing you in July!
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