After a fun-filled week with my sister and Calvin, it feels a bit like we are "settling in" this week. Winter feels like it is just around the corner and could hit anytime. It was the first weekend in November last year that we were hit with a blizzard that dropped about a foot of snow. My own person "weather goal" is to try to make it until after Thanksgiving without snow, but I think that has only happened once in the four winters we have endured since we moved here. The time change last weekend is also putting our time outdoors to a minimum so we are looking for some new things to do. This week we did a few art projects, got the snowblower ready for the upcoming winter, and talked about Christmas gifts. The boys made some Thanksgiving turkeys out of pinecones and put what they were thankful for on each feather of the turkey. Luke's list included: Yogurt with sprinkles, pizza, Daddy, Mommy, Calvin, Pinecones, Ms. Beth and School, and Friends. Liam's list included: Friends, Sprinkles with Yogurt, Art Projects, Calvin, School, Pinecones and Feathers, and Family. There were a couple of random ones in there, but overall the project was a success. Yes, we had a pinecone for Aiden but couldn't get him to sit still long enough to really participate. Maybe next year.
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