We are finally getting some snow and we have received more snow in past week or so than we have had all season. We are still way behind from last year. Luke and Liam seem to think the snow is going to melt quickly so they are always asking to go out and play in the snow. I keep reminding them that it will be there tomorrow but we did make it outside to play several times this week when it was just a little warmer and Aiden would enjoy it just a little more.
Here is one funny thing from this week. Sometime last year, I started doing bit of a reward system for Luke and Liam for good behavior. We purchased some little wooden boxes and several fluffy balls in various colors at Michael's. We painted the boxes and put their names on them and they were allowed to put one colored ball in their box for various types of good behavior. For example, if they shared something with their brother without having to be asked, then I would tell them they could have a ball in their box. Or, if they helped pick up toys or waited patiently somewhere, then they might get a ball in their box. After the box was full, they would receive a small treat of some sort whether it be playing a special game, reading a book, or a piece of candy. Conversely, they could also lose a ball for bad behavior. Well, we have not really kept up with actually putting balls in the boxes anymore, but everytime the boys do something they perceive as "good", they ask for a ball in their box. Even Aiden, who really has no clue what this system is about, says "I have ball in my box?" all the time. The other day Liam was sent to timeout while we were at the swimming pool. After sitting quietly for 4 minutes in timeout, John told him that he did well sitting quietly in timeout and he could get in the pool. Liam turned and said, "Dad, can I have a ball in my box for sitting nicely in timeout?" Um...NO, I think not.
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