Monday, February 23, 2015

Luke's Shoe Story and Our Week in Review

We enjoyed a super fun snow tubing birthday party with our favorite twin friends, Jack and Charlie!

Maple Grove High School Locker room

Trying on the Maple Grove High School Hockey Jerseys (left to right:  Luke, Max, Jack, Liam, and AJ).  Jack's dad is the coach of the high school hockey team so he let us change in the locker room prior to our game.

Finn got the screwdriver and batteries out of the drawer (after climbing up on the chair) and carried them upstairs to put new batteries in his toy.  Smart kid!

Just to put things in perspective when I say its cold here....

Luke's shoe (see story below)

We don't have a lot of newsworthy stories this week.  Thankfully, it was a pretty average week after our long bout with a GI virus that went through the entire house.  We are feeling much better and back to school and our normal routine.

Luke and Liam got the priviledge of changing in the high school hockey team locker room over the weekend prior to their game.  One of the kids on our hockey team is the son of the high school coach and he offered up the locker room prior to our game.  The boys had a lot of fun putting their sticks and other stuff in the lockers, trying on the gigantic jerseys, and watching the hockey game on t.v. in the locker room.  The night before our locker room tour, we went to see the high school team play in a district final game.  Although they played one of their best games ever (according to their coach), they came up a little short and lost 2-1.  Getting to the high school boys in action and then using their locker room was a highlight for the boys.

The story on Luke's shoe is a funny one that I thought was worth including this week.  Right before the President's Day long weekend, Luke left his shoes at school.  This is actually not too hard to do in Minnesota because the boys wear snow boots to school and then change into their tennis shoes once they are inside (this was a new concept for me since I grew up in the south).  The boys don't wear tennis very much right now due to the cold and snow so I thought they were probably in his locker or on the bus and we would look for them the next time we were at school.  In addition, this is around the time that everyone was getting sick here so finding a lost shoe wasn't on my list of top things to do.

After the long weekend, Luke was sick and didn't go to school but Liam found ONE of his shoes at school and brought it home.  The following day, I sent Luke to school and asked him to look for the other shoe.  We honestly have one pair of tennis shoes and no extras laying around here and Luke's foot is the biggest so he can't wear one of our old pairs.  He claims that he searched the lost and found, checked the bus, checked the hallway, etc...and there was no shoe.

Ironically, on this same day he returned to school after being sick, he had PE class.  At PE, he was given a note to take home for us to sign and return stating that we would "do a better job of making sure our son was prepared for PE by helping him remember to bring his tennis shoes."  What?!  It took John and I several days to calm down and return the note with a signature.  This was a first time offense for us, we don't forget our shoes on a regular basis.  Thankfully, after I made a trip to the lost and found at school, sent a note and picture of our shoe to Luke's teacher, and made a call to the bus company requesting they search for our long lost shoe, it was FOUND!  Luke said his bus driver had the shoe for him (nearly a week after we initially lost it).  Thank goodness since I was hoping to let our feet grow a little more and then buy new shoes in the spring or summer.

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