Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas 2020

One of Finn's favorite Christmas gifts...the LED lights in his room!

Keeping the Gatorades cold while the boys skate

We had some ups and downs with the weather.  Big snowstorm that messed up the ice and resulted in lots of shoveling for us, but we are getting to skate a bit again.  

Super Excited to open gifts on Christmas!

New Virtual Reality game that everyone loves

Decorating cookies before Christmas

Watching Christmas movies with Dad and our new blanket from Grandma and Grandpa Carrithers

Skating with hockey friends

Liam's best cookie!  

Christmas 2020 was quite a bit different than Christmas in previous years, but as with many things in 2020...different isn't always bad.  We watched Christmas Eve church service at home and had a zoom call with John's family to open a few of the gift exchange gifts.  

The boys were very excited on Christmas morning.  Surprisingly, Finn slept until 8:00 am while Aiden was up at 6:30 am!    We waited until a little after 8:00 am to head downstairs to open gifts.  We spent the day trying out some of our new toys including a new virtual reality toy that the boys really enjoy.  We enjoyed a nice dinner at home and 100% of us could actually taste it which was a huge improvement over Thanksgiving dinner.  Luke made another one of his apple pies to top off the night.  

Merry Christmas everyone and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021!

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