Celebrating all three birthdays!
Yummy Cake!
Snowmaggedon, Snownami, Epic snowstorm, 5th largest snowstorm, and finally "the" snowstorm of December 2010. These are all terms that I heard over the weekend to describe our blizzard. We received nearly 20 inches of snow in less than 24 hours if you can imagine! It managed to shut down the airports, cause numerous accidents, and basically paralyze any sort of travel. So, for the third weekend in a row, we found ourselves snowed in and trying to find some way to fill the time with three very energetic boys. Yes, that is correct, we have had snowstorms for the past three weekends with the most recent one being the largest. There are several reasons I can remember that and one of which is because we actually managed to secure a babysitter for THREE Saturdays and everytime she had to cancel because she could not drive here. They are pretty good about plowing the roads, but when you receive that much snow in a short time it does take a little while to get to everyone. We have done art projects, hung the christmas tree, played, shoveled snow, taken sled rides, and most recently we decided to give the boys their big Christmas gift! I told John we had to figure something out because he had yet another trip and I was about as tired of our toys as the boys are. So, what do you buy when you have been snowed in for three weekends in a row? Check out our pictures!
In other news this week, the boys had their first preschool Christmas program. They did really well despite the program being right at naptime. Liam and Aiden both fell asleep in the car on the way to the program. Liam looks exhausted in the pictures. They really did not sing the songs very much (they are some of the youngest in their class), but they did stand up front and do some of the motions. They looked a little stunned to me, but it was fun to watch. The highlight was having Santa come at the end and shake hands with all the kids. Liam looked over at me on the front row and said, "Look Mommy, its Santa Claus!" It was very cute.