Finn got to bring home "Remington"from school. He took Remington around to various places with us and then we recorded the trips in Remington's journal. |
Luke and Liam at a sleepover birthday party with some of their good friends |
October has been busy thus far for us. By the beginning of November, we will have three kids in travel hockey. Luke and Liam just finished their PeeWee tryouts over the weekend and Aiden will begin Squirt tryouts in another week or so.
In addition to the busyness of tryouts, we have also had lots of rain and quite cool temps for fall in Minnesota so unfortunately we have not enjoyed our typical trips to the apple orchards or other fall activities (at least not yet).
Luke began tryouts first at the end of September and finished last weekend. Liam began in early October and finished yesterday. Both made great teams and we are very excited about their upcoming seasons. They are on teams that will challenge them and will be very competitive.
Luke landed on a PeeWee AA team with only three other kids his age. He will be playing the highest level of competition available for him at his age as a goalie. All of the kids on his team (except two) are at least 1-2 years older than Luke.
Liam made one of two PeeWee B1 teams. He was in a very small group of first year PeeWee kids (most were second year kids) so this was quite an accomplishment for Liam and we are very excited to see him advance this year. Last year, tryouts were very disappointing for Liam. He ended up making the most of everything and grew a lot during the season, but the experience was very hard for him. This year, however, was a much better tryout for him and he is very excited about his team.
Aiden is next for tryouts.....needless to say, it's not my favorite time of year. I think it is more stressful on the parents than the kids.