Thursday, December 31, 2020

So Long 2020.....

We did lots and lots of hiking...Lake Rebecca State Park

Hiking in Taylors Falls

We watched caterpillars become butterflies in the spring

More hiking at a rock quarry in St. Cloud

Hiking at the rock quarry

John got a new Jeep

Hiking in French Park

Luke's new bike

John and I learned how to do haircuts (although we both agree that we would rather pay for one!)

Luke perfected his cooking skills...cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits, breads, Mexican corn tortillas, etc....

More hiking

Hiking to a waterfall

Liam's new bike

We learned about George Floyd

We were part of the homecoming in March of a classmate with terminal cancer and then learned of her death in May. 

Luke played lots and lots of golf, Liam and John joined when possible

We biked as a family

More hiking

We went skiing

We took everyone to the North Shore in July

Hiking in the beautiful spring weather

We received fun quarantine packages from friends

We hung from bridges when we went hiking without Mom!

While 2020 had its number of challenges (homeschooling, quarrantine, masks, grocery shortages, no sports, etc...) and we missed out on a number of things, there are so many things we were able to do.  Some things we did for the first time like snow skiing and some things we have done before, but don't have the time to do on a regular basis when our weekends are busy with sports (i.e. hiking).  Either way, we made the most of the time we had and tried many new and different things.  

As writer Richard Evans suggests, "It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars."  While 2020 was difficult in many ways, we saw beautiful things happen all around us.  We celebrated with family members at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas over Zoom calls.  We received surprise gifts from friends at our doorstep.  We learned lessons in diversity, racial inequality, and social unrest right in our own backyard.  One of the most touching things we did was watch a 3rd grade classmate at our elementary school come home in March via a police led parade of cars after fighting a courageous battle with cancer.  She lived two months at home in hospice care before passing away in May, but the support from our city, teachers, neighbors, and friends was amazing.  

In 2021, may we look for bright stars together. May we step into this new year with renewed hope and with courage for the challenges ahead.  May our hearts be at peace, may we be safe and may we continue to be sources of healing on earth. 

Happy New Year 2021!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas 2020

One of Finn's favorite Christmas gifts...the LED lights in his room!

Keeping the Gatorades cold while the boys skate

We had some ups and downs with the weather.  Big snowstorm that messed up the ice and resulted in lots of shoveling for us, but we are getting to skate a bit again.  

Super Excited to open gifts on Christmas!

New Virtual Reality game that everyone loves

Decorating cookies before Christmas

Watching Christmas movies with Dad and our new blanket from Grandma and Grandpa Carrithers

Skating with hockey friends

Liam's best cookie!  

Christmas 2020 was quite a bit different than Christmas in previous years, but as with many things in 2020...different isn't always bad.  We watched Christmas Eve church service at home and had a zoom call with John's family to open a few of the gift exchange gifts.  

The boys were very excited on Christmas morning.  Surprisingly, Finn slept until 8:00 am while Aiden was up at 6:30 am!    We waited until a little after 8:00 am to head downstairs to open gifts.  We spent the day trying out some of our new toys including a new virtual reality toy that the boys really enjoy.  We enjoyed a nice dinner at home and 100% of us could actually taste it which was a huge improvement over Thanksgiving dinner.  Luke made another one of his apple pies to top off the night.  

Merry Christmas everyone and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021!

Monday, December 14, 2020

During the Pause on Sports....

We enjoyed a fun hike as a family on a warmer than normal day with no snow

We have been doing distance learning full time


We took everyone skiing for the first time

Lots of fun and lots of work!

Getting ready to go up for the first time

Gingerbread houses

This is Luke and Finn's

Fun times!

This is Liam and Aiden's

We have been staying busy during our pause from sports.  The boys have had lots of Zoom meetings to do everything from stick handling to discussing team concepts.  Some meetings have been social while others have been conditioning workouts.  The boys have enjoyed them and its been a good chance to see their friends albeit over a video call.

We took everyone skiing for the first time ever.  Luke and Liam had the opportunity to go with a friend last winter for the day, but this was the first time for Aiden and Finn.  The boys really enjoyed it and clearly picked up on it faster than John and I did.  Finn was fearless in going down the mountain but clearly needs to work on learning to stop and turn.  John and I held our own, but we were sweating before we even got out on the "mountain" to ski.  It was quite a feat just to get equipment for everyone.  We survived and, of course, the boys want to go back! 

We are still in full distance learning for all four boys and the pause in all youth sports will last for at least the rest of this week.  We should hear pretty soon what the plans are after this week.  The boys are hoping to be skating on the backyard rink before Christmas as John filled it over the weekend!