Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Shortly after my post last week, we came home one afternoon to find 5 butterflies!  I am not sure which is more amazing-the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly or the fact that all five of our caterpillars survived and are now butterflies.  Liam does a precious re-enactment of the entire process beginning with how a caterpillar crawls, to the caterpillar curling up into a cocoon, and then the butterfly emerging.  He is quite animated and it is hilarious.  After a visit to preschool this week, the butterflies were released in our backyard.  Did you know a butterfly only has a lifespan of approximately 2-4 weeks?  We wanted to make sure we released them before anything else happened. 

 Checking out the butterflies.  Each morning, the boys have gone outside to collect a few fresh flowers to feed them.

Liam is probably the most interested by the butterflies

Dropping a little orange juice on the flowers

We let the butterflies sit on our hands a few times as well. 

Preparing to release the butterflies in the backyard

 Luke holding a butterfly before letting it go

 Releasing the last one!

 Chasing the butterflies!!  Supposedly, the butterflies will stay in the area where you release them so they boys looked for them in the back yard for awhile and found at least one of them.

 Here it is...


We have another carrot this week too!

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