Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Baseball Game and Raphael

Finn trying out a swing at the park for the first time over the weekend.  So good to be outside!
Aiden's exciting news of the week.....

His baby turtle...Raphael

Liam getting ready to bat at his first baseball game

Liam got to be the catcher in the first game, first inning!  Daddy was so pumped, maybe as much or more than Liam.

Luke in the outfield

Luke's first at bat, he hit a double!  He later scored and came directly over to Dad for a high five!

Liam in the outfield

Luke in the outfield

Mommy is trying to keep Finn happy (an hour past his bedtime) and in a "balmy" 40 degrees!  I should have dressed a lot warmer.  Despite my two coats, it took me hours to get warm.

Luke and Liam's kindergarten teacher, Ms. Kristi, and Aiden's preschool teacher as well.  She lives down the street from the field where we played and stopped by to say hello!

Liam on base

I would love to know what Luke is saying here, I can only imagine....

The A's won their first game against the Red Sox!

Luke and Liam had a big week with baseball.  They had their first game last week and were so excited about it.  All they talk about right now is the "tournament" which is not until the end of their "season," but both are excited to play in a tournament.  They always say, "we had a game, but it wasn't the tournament."  They played the Red Sox in their first game and ended up winning, although they don't really keep score in these games.  Luke was 3-3 and had a double on his first at bat.  He played first base and a few outfield positions.  Liam was 1-2 and got to play catcher and wear all the special gear, which was definitely his favorite part.  Aiden and I tried to stay warm and entertain Finn while John helped the boys and couldn't sit still watching them.  It was freezing cold and windy on the night of their first game.  It would have been more appropriate to have hot chocolate to celebrate rather than ice cream!  I am hoping for some warmer temperatures in the future games.

Aiden's big news for the week is his little turtle that he named Raphael.  Aiden, Finn, and I were out in the stroller one day last week and saw the little turtle that is about the size of a quarter on the sidewalk.  We picked it up and carried it home in a small cup.  Aiden had sharing day at school the next day and we were debating what to take so the turtle was perfect!!  May 23 happens to be World Turtle Day so Raph will be staying with us until at least that point in time.  He's a cute little thing with a bright orange and red belly.  He is surprisingly active most of the time, but when he hides it is really difficult to find him.

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