Luke and Liam displaying their "Gritty Grinder" awards after hockey practice. Note the chain with a hockey puck hanging at the end of it.
We had some warmer temperatures over the weekend and Finn was able to get outside a little bit in the snow. It has really been bitter cold with daytime highs well below freezing so he has not been outside a whole lot except to drop his brothers at the bus stop. Thankfully, we still do several indoor play areas during the winter and he plays hockey in the basement so we don't all go completely crazy. I am pretty sure we never sent Luke and Liam (or probably Aiden for that matter) down the hill alone on the sled at Finn's age, but Finn went and did just fine!
Luke and Liam won the "Gritty Grinder" award at hockey practice over the weekend. The award is given to the two kids on their team that work the hardest. The boys started hockey at the beginning of November and they are really enjoying it. Their team is called the Gophers and they are the only "new kids" on the team. All of the other boys have been playing for at least a year or two so many of these kids are not your average six year old on skates! Luke and Liam learned how to skate on the backyard rink since neither John nor I have any hockey skills whatsoever. They have been trying to keep up with our neighbor, Jack, who is eight and has been playing hockey for about three years now. |
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