Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

Finn loved hunting for Easter Eggs

He practiced hiding the eggs and hunting for the eggs

Take one...not the best
And Take two...We may try again on another Sunday with the same clothing!
New Easter Egg dying method

Luke is getting ready to dye some eggs

It was fun!

And quite messy....

Aiden has on his gloves to protect from his egg allergy.   We all wore glove this year so our hands won't be pink and purple even though Finn still had pink and purple arms!

Our eggs

Happy Easter!!

Checking out our Easter baskets

We had a very nice Easter in Minnesota.  While Spring in MN is not my favorite time of year, we were fortunate to have a couple of sunny days.  Its still not quite spring here, but the grass is very slowly starting to turn green and grow.  Hopefully by May, we will have some consistently warmer weather and less rain.

The boys were very excited to hunt Easter eggs this year and we enjoyed a nice Easter morning breakfast followed by church and a day outside with friends playing baseball and then roasting s'mores.  I found a method to dye eggs on Pinterest that used shaving cream and food coloring.  From the pictures, it appeared to work much better than the traditional vinegar and dye methods we have tried in the past.  It was also a bit more interactive and fun so we tried it.  The boys LOVED the shaving cream idea and could have played with that for hours.  The method itself, was pretty messy and I wouldn't say our eggs turned out anywhere near as nice as the ones on Pinterest.  I don't typically do Pinterest things because they never quite turn out as nice, but I guess the bonus is that the boys enjoyed it.  

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