Saturday, June 8, 2019

We made it!!

Last Day of 5th grade (and elementary school) for Luke and Liam.    Last day of third grade for Aiden.

First day of First grade for Luke and Liam (and their first day at the elementary school)

Taking pictures still isn't easy

My favorite moms of 5th grade boys!

5th grade boys at the decathlon (yes, they all pulled their shorts up high on purpose)

Biking to school on the final day

Celebrating the last day of school

Finn's last day of school and our final day at Montessori

Last day of Montessori Kindergarten 

Throwback to Luke and Liam's last day at Montessori kindergarten

Finn wanted one final picture with his favorite teacher, Ms. Kristi
We survived another school year and we are ready to have a fun summer!  The last few days and weeks of school were busy.  Just to recap a few highlights....

1.  Luke and Liam finished their final day at Basswood Elementary where they started in first grade.  They are moving onto middle school whether we are ready or not.  It was a fun week celebrating their final days at Basswood and preparing to say Goodbye to their wonderful teachers.  We had a picnic lunch with parents, kids, and teachers, a field trip to the Mall of America, a decathlon, a final bike ride to school, and a pool party to celebrate on the final day.

2.  Aiden finished third grade and will be at Basswood again next year for 4th grade.  His teacher this year is doing something called "looping" so he will actually be in her class for 4th grade as well.  Should be fun to maintain many of the same friends and the same teacher.  Aiden celebrated with a pool party on Friday (after school finished up on Thursday).  It was a fun day with several of his friends.

3.  Finn celebrated his final day at Step by Step.  This was a really hard one for me as we have known the teachers at Step by Step since Luke and Liam began there nearly 10 years ago.  We have grown up with many of these teachers and they have loved us and taught us well.  We are so thankful for each of them and what they invested in the boys.  We promised to come back to visit because we will miss each of them so much.  Finn is excited to begin kindergarten at Basswood Elementary with Aiden in the fall.  

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