Sunday, October 18, 2020

From Fall to Winter

Bonfire with lots of Luke and Liam's friends

Our first snow happened on Friday morning!  It didn't stick, thankfully, but the weather temps have taken a drastic change

Flashlight Corn Maze

Flashlight Corn Maze.  We have been to an orchard every year that I can remember since the boys were born and we always go with the Bakken's.  This year was different, but we still managed to squeeze in a trip to the corn maze.  Most of the stuff was closed this season, but I think doing the flashlight maze was memorable for the boys.

We tried to get ice cream after the maze, but it was unbearable outside and you can't eat inside at McDonald's so we ate quickly!!

 The weather in Minnesota is changing quickly.  It feels as if we went from sunny and warm fall weather to cold and windy winter weather overnight.  I must say I am not excited about winter this year considering we have been spending so much time outdoors for the last several months and it has made the COVID situation a lot more bearable.  But, the winter months are inevitable and the boys are already asking when we can put up the boards for the rink!?  Hockey tryouts start for Aiden this week so we are well on our way to a busy winter of hockey games, hopefully.  We are just hoping everyone stays healthy and we are able to play without a lot of interruptions.  

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