Thursday, July 22, 2021

Finn's Week as an Only Child.....

Checking out the very sleepy and likely nocturnal lions at the zoo

Luke at camp on the rope swing

Finn on a very hot walrus!

Finn's dinner choice and dessert!

Luke and Liam's camp cabin

Middle school boys doing what they do best.  I haven't figured out exactly what that is yet.

Camp Games

Finn and Mom

Finn and Dad

Waterslide at the Community Center pool

Bumper Cars

 I think the best week of Finn's summer was likely the week that all three of his brothers went to camp!  While he missed his brothers (at least a little), he had a ton of fun as an only child.  We went swimming, he had a playdate, we went to a new pool at the community center (where ironically I took the big boys a lot when they were younger, but have not taken Finn very much), spent a day at the zoo and an amusement park, went out to dinner at Finn's choice, and managed to squeeze in Finn's soccer and lacrosse.  It was a fun week for all three of us and much easier to juggle the schedule of one kid!  Until next summer Finn....

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