Friday, May 2, 2008

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers bring May Flowers and for us that would be April SNOW Showers! We have had an unusually snowy April in Minnesota or at least that is what the locals tell us. It seems like we are finally nearing the end and expecting the warmer temperatures to stick around. We have had a few very nice spring days recently only to follow them up with snow flurries. The boys continue to show us their unique personalities and we continue to learn from them. They are now sleeping pretty routinely from 10pm to 5am with a very quick feeding at 5am and then back to bed. I quickly leave the house around 6am for a morning run because the boys typically set their "alarm clocks" for 7am sharp. John watches them while I am out running which is key to me starting the day on the right foot both mentally and physically. I am including recent pictures of the boys enjoying some morning time with their dad. Have a nice weekend!

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