Saturday, April 18, 2020

COVID-Week #5

Snowman in April

Distance Learning with Finn

The caterpillars have grown from tiny specs to huge and they are getting ready to form a chrysalis any day now.  
It is hard to believe we have just finished FIVE weeks of social distancing.  While it is beginning to feel like ground hog day around here, we are doing very well.  We have school work every weekday from around 8:45 am until 1:30 pm.  Finn and Aiden generally finish by Noon, but Luke and Liam usually finish sometime before 2:00 pm.

John is still working at home and trying to get something done in between all of the interruptions of having all of us at home as well.  We are doing Zoom calls, google meets, band meetings, math class, kindergarten chat, multiple meetings for John, and Moms group on any given day.  The boys and I frequently do video workouts in the basement during the afternoons if the weather is nice enough to go outside.

Luke spends a lot of his free time baking, putting together puzzles, and doing goalie workouts.  Liam enjoys chatting with his friends and doing Minecraft, playing hockey and basketball, and doing workouts with me.  Aiden will play basketball with anyone who is willing and available.  Finn seems to be getting the most out of this as he has the full attention of his brothers and he gets to stay home all the time!  He loves doing whatever Luke is doing and enjoys riding his bike, playing monopoly, and talking on FaceTime with his friend, Silas.  John and I have completed many home projects including a basement and garage cleanup, storage of the hockey boards, and lots of other things on our list that never seem to be completed very easily when we are busy with other activities.

We miss our friends and social outlets, but we are thankful that we are all healthy and although bored at times, we are in very good shape in our current situation.  

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