Sunday, April 26, 2020

COVID-Week #6

Luke worked his second 1,000 piece puzzle.  This one was several Super Bowl teams.

The golf courses opened (under certain restrictions), but its a new thing to do!

We did another hike

Finn in front of the boat at Taylors Falls
Hair Hair Everywhere!!!

Hard to tell from the picture, but it actually looks a lot better.

Not too excited about this

Aiden wasn't too excited and he was our "guinea pig" so I failed to get a before and after picture.

Looking much cleaner.  Not perfect, but it is progress
We just finished Week #6 in quarantine.  Week SIX?!  How can that be?  When the word first came out that schools were closing, it was only for two weeks and I thought that would be hard.  I am halfway glad that I didn't know what was coming.

We received word last week that schools will be closed for the rest of the year.  We will continue our distance learning until school ends on June 5th.  And while I never thought I would say this, we are actually in a good routine with everyone home and we are actually learning a lot in school.  It hasn't been easy at all and we have some pretty bad days occasionally, but for the most part we are doing quite well.  One big bonus, the golf courses opened with special social distancing rules, but that is something the boys love to do and it gets us away from the house for an hour or two.

We did take haircuts into our own hands this weekend for Liam, Aiden, and Finn.  I would not DARE touch Luke's hair.  It is incredibly thick and curly and I don't even know where to start.  Not that John or I had much knowledge on how to cut hair for the other boys, but it seems a bit more achievable after watching a few you tube videos.  Aiden was the guinea pig because honestly he doesn't really care and if we totally messed it up, we could buzz his hair and he would survive.  Liam, on the other hand, would completely die if we messed up his hair.  As crazy as it sounds, after John and I got through Aiden's hair, I think we actually felt more confident.  Finn's went pretty well, the main goal was just to get it out of his eyes and we accomplished that.  By the time I got to Liam's hair, I actually had a plan on what I would do and I understood how to use the clippers much better.  The biggest incentive for learning how to do haircuts, of course, is that it saves us around $60.00 on haircuts every 8-10 weeks!  

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