Saturday, May 9, 2020

COVID-Week #8

Another fun hiking day to a rock quarry nearby

Our goals look like this when we are bored...

Liam at the rock quarry.  Liam wants to take some rock climbing lessons!

Finn lost both of his top two teeth this week!

Family Hike

Liam and Luke

We received some street hockey goalie equipment from a friend and Finn enjoyed trying it out.

Aiden doing his e-learning

Luke and Liam doing their school work

Finn in net

In COVID Week #4, we received some teeny tiny caterpillars that grew big and fat and then developed into a chrysalis.  They all became butterflies recently and we have 5 monarchs!  Sadly, it is super cold this weekend with a chance of snow so we are holding off for warmer temps so we can release them.  Meanwhile, we are feeding them fresh flowers and sugar water. 

We just completed Week#8 of quarantine and distance learning from home.  It is hard to even remember what a previously "normal" week looked like with practices, school, and so many things outside of the house.  We enjoyed another hike today at a rock quarry.  It was quite unique and beautiful.  The boys enjoyed climbing the rocks and we all enjoyed the time outside before the colder weather comes in tomorrow (SNOW!).

Finn lost both of his top front teeth this week and was so excited.  The tooth fairy brought him some acrylic paint and we painted rocks and a canvas for three days.  It was quite entertaining for everyone and gave Finn something fun to do after school.  We have about three weeks of school left before summer break.  We are in a good routine and it certainly helps the days pass more smoothly when we all have something to focus on.

Happy Weekend!

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